Friday, January 7, 2011

Update on Bone Marrow- Writtenby Beth Caton (Ians wife)


I just wanted to give a more detailed update about John and Ian's transplant.  Ian's surgery was yesterday and the marrow harvest was very successful, they obtained a liter of marrow.  The marrow was then filtered and given to John yesterday afternoon via a hickman line in his chest (due to volume it was too much for regular IV). 

John had been nauseous and sleepy this week, not much like himself at all.  He was not very talkative as he usually is and was not up for much short of a few trips to the bathroom.  They have been adjusting his meds and after chemo he was slowly feeling better.  Yesterday he was out of bed and in a chair and today he was up and around the room talking and joking, more like we are used to seeing him! 

Ian had difficulty coming out of the anesthesia which is not uncommon.  He was very nauseated and was not able to get up and walk until around 7 pm last night, and the surgery began at 7:30 am.  He felt better pretty quickly however, when we got to the hospital this morning he was walking (slowly and carefully) around his room alone.  I helped him get ready and he went to see John before he was discharged around 2pm this afternoon.  He is pretty sore but has not taken any pain meds since we left the hospital. 

John was not able to come home today as we had hoped.  They pulled his chest line today where he has a blood clot (which is not too serious and he is on blood thinners), and they are keeping him at the hospital to watch for infection at the site.  We are all disappointed, I'm sure not as much as poor John but is better to be safe!  At least they removed the irritating line.

Thank you all so much for your love and support through this process.  It means more to Ian and I than words can express and I know John and Amanda feel the same.


Ian and Beth

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