Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 4

Our List of Rules for visitors
Phew! John got to come home on Day 3 (we are now in plus days, with the transplant day being day zero!)
To have him home was both exciting and relieving and also scary. Beth has been an amazing help to me these last few days! Helping me clean :)
The sign above my sink so I don't forget!

John has a list of medications as long as our kitchen door, which in fact is where the sheet of them is stuck! It's a little overwhelming to remember when he takes what but we are getting there. Nutrition this year will be the toughest, so many restrictions and guidelines of how I cook and serve. I have to soak the sponge in part bleach and water every day, change it every 2  weeks, wash and dry the dishes (air or paper towel) before and after I use them! Cooking and baking take all my brain now, no longer will I bake to relax!

The next 100 days will be the hardest as the most dangerous because he is most prone to infection. This is why we are limiting to visitors; only close friends and family, please do not be offended if we respectfully decline your visit.

Hanging out playing Wii in the latest fashion!
Today is Ian and Beth's last day with us ; here they are all mask and gloves!

More coming soon...hope you are enjoying reading about our journey!

Much love to you all

1 comment:

  1. John, so glad you are home!! May the Lord keep you healthy and SAFE! Amanda, You are my heroine! All the directions and medications -- may God be your PEACE! Take care and keep on blogging for those of us who can't visit--although, you wouldn't let us in the door anyway! love you guys, Kate
