Monday, November 30, 2009

Our First Thanksgiving

It was certainly a strange Thanksgiving, just the two of us in a apartment. We broke with tradition again and got a duck! :) We had a wonderful time together and joined with some friends in the evening.

It got us thinking about just how great this holiday is, history aside how wonderful it is to just sit with people you love and be thankful. Can't every day be Thanksgiving I thought? Can't every nation celebrate this? We have so much to be thankful for. A good friend of ours always says the devil cannot touch a thankful heart and how true this is. There is something about being  thankful that opens our eyes to see outside ourselves and to the goodness in our world and the  glory of God our creator. If John and I sat and listed all the things we are thankful for it would take a good while! John's very life is a miracle this year! I believe if we, as believers, started each day with thanksgiving we would drastically improve not only our internal selfs but also the world around us! "Enter his gates with thanksgiving" the psalms command us! We need to be thankful. It just works.

We at YWAM Boston now enter a busy season until our Christmas break. This week we have an outreach team from New Haven, Connecticut who we will be training in Evangelism and taking out onto the streets of Boston and on Thursday we will host a worship night for all the people we meet! 

Also on an exciting note we have our first date of our North East Tour of our full stage production 'Encounter'- Our first show is in Raymond, NH on January 22nd 2010! We have an open dress rehearsal at Cambridge Dance Complex on January 15th 2010. 
John and I have a real passion to reach the lost through theater and this is especially exciting for us; we have been dreaming with God about this for so long. This kind of ministry is when we feel most alive- please pray for our preparations, much needs finishing before we take this  show on the road!

We love you all, thanks for reading , more news soon...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

As the leaves crunch under our feet...

As Fall gives way to Winter and the warm coats come out it is hard to believe another Autumn has gone by! We shall miss the crisp nights as they give way to frost filled mornings :)

However, even with the temperatures dropping we are still seeing many people stop in and see us when we go out to the streets to worship.
This last week we went to Copley Square, right in the center of Boston, to simply share Jesus with people; we again had free coffee and we sang worship. As John drew the crowd playing his Saxophone I went out to ask how I could pray for people; so many people were broken and hurting.

She insisted she did not need prayer and  life was all good. She did want a free coffee though. As we talked I asked her about her life. She told me she was addicted to drugs and had no home. I asked her if she ever prayed and she said sometimes. I told her that Jesus had not forgotten her and she asked me to pray for her. We prayed God would provide a place for her to live; she wanted to believe for this but confessed she found it hard to trust -Maureen

God works in so many ways. Sometimes he leads us to people who are ready to receive Him, who hear the gospel and are instantly renewed. Sometimes he leads us to plant seeds with those who are losing faith, like Maureen and other times we are simply placed there to listen and love people.

Who knows what a simple "God Bless" spoken to in love does to a person who just strolls past? Who knows what hearing worship does in a persons heart as they run by? We serve a mighty, awesome God whose plans are so far beyond anything we ca perceive or imagine.

Next week we are going to Connecticut to speak at a young adults group as well as leading a youth group service in Worcester; please pray that we would be open to all God wants to do. We will keep you posted...


Monday, November 2, 2009

Sharing Jesus on the city streets!

What a privilege it is to share Jesus! What an honor we are given in the Great Commission to "Go into all the world and share the gospel with every living creature" (Matthew 16:15).

Last week we performed worship on the streets of two areas of our city. Cambridge, the home of Harvard and Somerville, a town close to Boston Center. 
We always say as a ministry if you can reach Boston, you can reach the world and this proved true. We got to share Jesus with people from Paris, Italy, Belgium and Haiti! All in one night :) 

People are drawn by the worship, approach for our free coffee and stay to talk about Jesus. Many approach surprised! "What are you doing here?" they ask; when they hear that we are hear to bless and pray and share Jesus with them they are astounded! So many have questions, so many have deep needs, so many are touched that someone cares.

I approached a man called Wallace this week. He went to walk by but was stopped by the music and he stood and listened. I asked him if he needed prayer. He looked at me and said "Recently I have been searching, I have been feeling guilty because I know I sin, but I don't know what to do, will you pray for me?" We prayed. We talked. I shared the gospel. He confessed he had many questions but said today was a turning point.

The photo above is John playing music with a man he met on the streets. The man  was so compelled to worship with us!

There are so many stories to tell just from these two outreaches! 

God is working in this city, bringing people to Him. We see desperate and hurting people every week put their trust in Jesus. The kingdom is advancing in New England.

Thank you for partnering with us in this. Your prayers and contributions are truly making a difference.