Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 409

"Spectacularly Good!"
These are two words that I love to hear, especially in relation to John.
Life has been so wonderful these past weeks, getting back to work, catching up with family, just living free; eating out, shopping, having fun.
It's like the world has a little more color to it now. 
John's appointment went well and his B cells seem to be doing something.
John with his cousin Lillis, sweet reunion!
At his last appointment in January there a problem with his liver that was suspected acute late stage GVHD but with prednisone (the dreaded steroid from hades) that seems to be under control. More tests are being done to ensure his liver tests return to normal but we are not worried. 
This month he will not have his normal IGG infusion (when they infuse antibodies into him) so they can test to see if he is making his own.Very exciting. If he is making his own then he will never need IGG again, an amazing feat considering he has been having this every month since he was 13 years old.
We love life, we love hope, we love Dr Antin, Toni and Bonnie- our faithful team and true friends through this. What a blessing God has given and continues to give.
More news to come...