Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 48

"For better or for worse, huh?" John says to me as he lies there feeling nauseous.
The last 3 days have been hard. John has been very sick, lots of tiredness and dizziness, vomiting and other unmentionables. It's been pretty miserable. Very hard to see him this way.
We think it's a side effect of one of the drugs he just began taking so we think the doctor will take him off that this week. Next appointment is Wednesday...please keep us in your prayers.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 43 (Wednesday 16th February)

So we still await the results of the chimerism test, we hope by next Wednesday we will finally know!

John's doctor today said all of John's platelet and white cell counts are "fantastic" and this quick rise back to having healthy counts is indicative of there being some healthy bone marrow working in him; but is it Ian's or John's?

It seems highly unlikely that John's immune system has any strength after the chemotherapy but we are trying to just wait for celebrations until we have the official test results.

John is doing well, back to feeling very normal. He has begun to get up with me when I go to work and has begun to work on some of his ministry teaching as well as brushing up on his Saxophone- He is hoping to begin composing new music this year so perhaps when this is all over he can do a concert! He is also learning electric guitar and begining to play the flute again- He will be quite the one man band.

As for me (Amanda) I am with YWAM everyday, even though my wonderful DTS students have now left to go on outreach. I am helping out around the base, mainly this week with hospitality. We have a youth group from New Jersey visiting this weekend so we will be training them in Evangelism and then hitting the streets with them! On Monday I will get a day of rest with John :)

It's hard to believe it's been 45 days since transplant, at times it has seemed slow but these past 20 days have flew by. God is so good, he is with us.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 35

Today was a very long day at the hospital! John is part of a clinical trial as well as everything else so we ended up sticking around for extra appointments till after 4pm; we arrived at 9am. Fortunately I was able to break him out for a couple of hours so he could go home and eat and rest.

We should have had the results of the chimerism test today but alas we have to wait a little longer.

John counts are good and back to normal human levels! the doctors described his counts as "spectacular!" Platelets are 161,000.

John feels good, apart from being tired from a long day.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 30

I apologize for the long pause in updates, in all honesty not much has happened. John has been tired and achy but has managed to get good rest. We are meant to go on Wednesday to have another count and give blood for the chimerism test (the results of which take a week), but the snow trapped us so John went today.
His platelet counts and other counts are great! Now back up to 116,000 and white cell count has gone up. This is all normal and is no indication as to whether the transplant is working.
We are excited to have the results next Friday; we live and pray in hope that it is starting to work!
We will update you when we know...
One bonus of his count now being above 50,000 is that he can finally shave! No longer will I be married to a porcupine! :) Yay!