Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Who is this motley crew" I hear you cry? :) 
Well Jesus told us in prayer to have a birthday party for him in the very center of Boston and that we did! We have gift wrapped bibles, cake, hot chocolate and a Live Nativity! We sang, we danced, we laughed and most importantly we told people that Jesus loves them!

It was a chilly day but our spirits were high with anticipation. We have never done an outreach quite like this. We put on our costumes, all from the thrift store and we laughed as we saw each other transform into the Nativity characters (although the biggest chuckle was reserved for when we saw our huge cardboard sheep- Larry the Lamb as he became known). We piled all our stuff into the van and off we went, in all our costumes, over all our layers to keep warm! I was admit-tingly a little scared but excited! After all our God is pretty funny so we knew we could go in confidence. 

As soon as we arrived the strange looks began! We set up and started the party! At first I felt a little embarrassed approaching people looking crazy but I soon mellowed and began to enjoy the reactions of people. If I don't mind looking a fool for anyone, it's Jesus!
I got to share the gospel with people, the Christmas story and simply pray and bless people :) So many were so happy we were there; many laughed and smiled as they came to us asking "Who are you? What are you doing here? This is so cool"

God's spirit filled the city that day! The singing seemed to resonate loud down the streets and even over busy traffic many turned heads to hear our praise. 

To God be the glory! Merry Christmas and blessed new year to you all!

Monday, December 14, 2009

As Christmas approaches...

I love Christmas! There I said it! I am unashamed of my childlike love for this season. It just makes me giddy! I love the gift giving and receiving, I love the decorations, I love the parties- all the material stuff which sometimes as Christians we can deem as unimportant really matters to me! And do you know why? Because Jesus loves fun! He loves parties! He loves smiling and laughing! He loves giving and receiving! You better believe that our Lord became fully human, just like us! It amazes me still that Jesus who was in Heaven; the most pure, fun, happy, peaceful place for all eternity left to come to this world- He left the party. He left to come to us. He went from eternal joy with no sadness to a harsh and cruel world. He went from being fully accepted to rejected the moment he entered this world. He was illegitimate, rejected by his hometown, he was hated by the religious establishments, he had many followers but few who were friends, he never married, he never had money (he even had to borrow to pay tax!), all those he healed, befriended and loved betrayed him when he needed him most; not even one stood by him and to top it off he died the most humiliating death reserved in those times for most obscene crimes.
And do you know why?
So we could go to the party, so we could experience joy, acceptance, fatherly love and all the blessings He never had.
He came for us, He died for us.
So we don't have to be solemn this Christmas; whatever is happening in our lives, God still reigns and He will never leave us or forsake us! So this year I want to challenge you who read this to go to as many Christmas parties as you can and be joyful! Be the guest who stays the latest, dances the most and laughs the loudest because  if you know Jesus then you have something to celebrate. And if there are people at the parties that don't know Jesus, tell them! Tell them why they have a reason to celebrate!

Our outreach team is going out into Boston on Saturday and we are having a birthday party for Jesus with music and cake and even a nativity scene! We are going to dance and laugh and sing and invite all those around to join us in celebration!

God is with us!