Monday, January 3, 2011

Bone Marrow Transplant- Day Minus 2

Today Ian and Beth arrived :) Nice to have family around now and not to be alone in the house.

This was John's last day of chemotherapy, Thank God! He was very sick today and it was hard to see.We were out for lunch he told the nurse he had pain in his neck, this made them worry that he may have a blood clot; one of the risks off having a Hickman line. We got back from lunch to receive the news that he had been taken for a ultrasound- time went very slow as we waited.

Eventually, after over of an hour of waiting, John arrived back. I was so happy to see him. He was still very nauseous and sick. The doctor told us he does have a blood clot (although a nurse had just told us there was not a blood clot, confusion) and that they were giving him blood thinning medicine. Originally they were planning on leaving the Hickman line in when he left hospital to easily administer medicines (saves poking his arm a million times!) but with this new development they will probably end up removing it.

Before I left John was complaining about having bad knee pain but seemed to be coping OK.

Please pray for us. John is very weak.

Much Love to you all

1 comment:

  1. Paul and Cindy sent me the link to your blog. (I used to work with Paul.) I am glad to know that Ian was a perfect match. I wish you both well on Day 0 and look forward to reading the positive updates that I am sure there will be in the days following. God bless.
