Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 177

We are still reeling from yesterdays news!
We still shake our heads and ask "Did that really happen?"

John, although beginning to build a new immune system, is still very weak, very susceptible to infection. Since Sunday he has been having on and off fevers, not super high but ranging from 100 to 102. Today was the 102 fever. We called his nurse to talk, all the while I am praying "Please don't send us to the ER"

They asked him to come the clinic, get a chest x ray and blood work and we would go from there.
We were both pretty calm, I mean the transplant is the most important thing to us and that's going great and we must expect more bumps in our journey, infections will come until his body can fight them.

The good news, and O how it feels good to say the phrase twice in  2 days, is that his chest x ray is totally clear! All blood work so far is negative, although many viral, bacterial and fungal tests have been sent. So the nurse said it is safer for him to go home and rest and if any tests come back positive she will let us know.

O and in 24 hours all his counts are steadily still going up!

So here I sit and type and out of the corner of my eye I see my sleeping John, all tired out from a long day.
But he is home and it is so very good :)

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