Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 176- The Day we have waited for!

It's been 176 days coming....

Finally, O finally!
The clinic at the Dana was so busy today, all our appointments ran late. We waited and waited to see Bonnie, our lovely nurse.
"I wonder if the counts went up?" "What if they went down?" "What if the boost did not work?" What if it did work?" - Our minds we racing.

Then a beaming Bonnie walks in.
"Did anyone tell you?" she asked
"Your counts are amazing! I can't believe I get to give you the good news!"

So I am sure you have gathered it looks like the boost is working and John's graft is getting stronger by the day! Platelets are up, Red cells up and white cells up! In fact it is working quicker than anyone expected!
It's the day we have been waiting for.
Suddenly every tear seems worth it.
We have hope again, this could really heal John. Really heal him.

Praise God, it's Him all the way. His promise is coming to pass. He deserves all glory!

We are so glad to share this amazing news with you! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news. Praise God. You're both very beautiful people. Thanks for sharing.
    Much love, and see you in an expected location soon.
