Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 184

Everything is still looking good, doctors smiling and the science is starting to show God's promise to us.

John's fevers cleared up last week but unfortunately resurfaced today. Trying to keep him home and rested and well hydrated; our only option.

Next week the doctors will draw another Chimerism test which should reveal more conclusively how much the boost has worked. And in the next 2 months John will begin to be slowly tapered off his medications which prevent transplant rejection; scary times but it's all looking very positive.

Hope is what has got us this far, hope in what God has spoken to us. Hope is scary though. The counts going up fills us with so much joy but at the same time there is apprehension, "Is he really going to healed?" That question means so much it paralyzes us, "could we dare to hope?"
I know often God's promises don't look the way we would wish them too sometimes but at the same time I know I cannot deny all He has said.

Our decision in the end was to simply declare that today was a good day and let's see what happens tomorrow. For right now John is home and all looks well, fever aside.


  1. God is so good. HOPE does not disappoint :-)

  2. You are wise to declare it a good day, Amanda. We'll keep lifting your hands before the Lord, watching every moment for His victory.
