Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 192

John feeling much better
He is home.

After just 3 days in the hospital John is allowed home. The good news is before he left we found out his white count had doubled! His abosolute neutrophil count (anc) is now at a level the doctors wanted to see! (Neutrophils are the bodies first line of defense). I am unsure if he had these, or if these functioned before transplant.

John has had no more fevers and is much more like his old self :)

There is much to celebrate but still much to anticipate and wait for. Let me explain... John has always had white cells, when I say always I mean before transplant. His issue has been dysfunctional T cells and an absence of B cells. We had the transplant to fix that, we do not know if it has fixed that yet; we may know a little more about when the Chimerism test comes back. Perhaps 2 weeks wait on that.

We are excited though but anxious to hear more news. Obviously it's great news that his counts are going back up but we hold out to hear whether the transplant is fixing that particular thing; the thing we really need. 

Please pray for us, in the wake of many pieces of good news it has been easy to get swept up in it and forget the big news is still to come. He is NOT fixed yet; right now he is getting better and healing from many infections and the transplant, but the most important and big news is to come.

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