Sunday, September 11, 2016

What has past and what is to come

The thought comes to me every few days; "I should update the blog", then I think of all the time that has past and I wonder where I would even start.
The best place to start is where I left off. So here we go...

John is HEALTHY. Whole. Restored. I pray often that I would not take that miracle for granted.
We have a daughter, a beautiful, vibrant bundle of energy. Her name is Felicity and her story deserves her very own post.

We still have the incredible privilege of serving with YWAM Boston Inc. 9 years collectively of living by faith and seeing God do amazing things in Boston.

I (Amanda) continue to wrestle my thoughts about writing a book about our medical journey. I know it's in there, the words locked inside my heart and mind- pray they can  be released onto paper.

John is BUSY. In school 4 nights a week studying for his Pre-med qualifications. Yes you read that right, pre-med. And that in itself deserves it's own post.

I am excited to get back into blogging and sharing more about our lives and I hope you enjoy reading. Felicity's story coming soon...

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