Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 111

"For the first time in months I feel well rested" 
These are the words I uttered to my friend Steph this weekend.

I may have spoken too soon.

I (Amanda) was awoke by a bang and a shout of pain from John, I have never jumped and ran so quickly. He had fallen and smashed his head on our hard wood floor, it was pretty bad; a lot of blood. We knew his platelets were low (platelets control clotting factor so when they are low it is hard for the body to stop bleeding). With this we knew we must go to the ER. It broke my heart to take him to the hospital, "I only just got him home" I thought.

His head was banged up pretty bad, about 10 stitches above his eye. His eye is swollen shut, looks terrible but the good news is the CAT scan showed no internal damage so we just wait for the swelling to go down. The bleeding stopped although intermittently starts again.

He has been re-admitted to the hospital so they can keep an eye on him (If you'll excuse the pun) but hopefully he will come out tomorrow.

Early on today in the ER John and I knew we had a choice of how we dealt with what had happened. We could be angry and question "Why God? Have we not been through enough?" and we could self pity. Or we could remember what is true.
Remember what we know...
God is Good,
God Loves us,
God is all powerful.
If the above is true then God has either caused or allow this to happen for a purpose or reason we will never know. Either way we trust Him and we love Him.

1 comment:

  1. I do not believe God causes things like this to happen. He loves us too much for that. He is there to help us through these times. They happen because we live in a messed up world and God isn't a puppeteer in heaven pulling strings to control us. He does always teach us things in difficult times (we'd be brats if everything in life went smoothly) like patience and perseverance. Our prayers are continually with you.
