Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 105

In his cool new hat and sunglasses!
Today was a long day! 10 hours of hospital appointments!

John went for his photopersis treatment today. He will receive this twice a week for the next couple of months. This takes around 3 hours a time but is totally painless to John and the nurses in that ward are an absolute riot! :) It's like a little elite social club :)

Because of the treatment John is especially at risk from sun burn and other skin problems from the sun so they gave him this amazing hat and sunglasses! Ha! Suffice to say we will be changing this hat to a Steelers one pretty soon!

John's doctor was very impressed with his progress today! He said he was "amazed" at how John was recovering! He even allowed John to have a hamburger, a fact John reminds me off often! 

It's so nice to visit the hospital and get only good news! Long may it continue we say!

John and I were praying last night. Thanking God for all our many blessings which are too many for us to list and yet we tried. In this simple act of thankfulness before God we were so in awe of all God has done for us. It dawned on me that so often in life we look for reasons for our suffering, rarely do we find it and when and if we do it never satisfies; and why? Because really deep down we are not truly looking for an answer to why we hurt, suffer, grief; we are really looking for who God is.

Is He good?
Is He powerful?
Does He love me?

When you search with your whole heart and mind you will find the answer is Yes. 

When we get to know His nature and His character and understand who He is, we can walk through anything. And where do we find Him? It is when we reach our hearts to Him and ask Him to come into our lives. It is reading His word and discovering who He is. 

If you want to know who God is, Look at Jesus. 
God as man.

It may sound cliche but we could not do this without Him and we would not want to.

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