Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday reflections

"You cannot quantify human suffering" the nurse said to John as he told her our story. This is reflective place. It's eerie to know so many others recovering here were injured by the Boston marathon bombings. I see them around and my heart aches. They began their lives the morning of April 15th not knowing their lives would be permanently changed. As John and I sat by the water yesterday another couple sat not far from us, both weeping; this is place full of stories, full of suffering. As John told his nurse our story she spoke with such wisdom. She said "John, there will always be people you can look at who have suffered less than you and you can feel like a victim or even superior over them; there will always be those who suffer more than you and you can use that to somehow feel better or justify not complaining but really you cannot quantify human suffering, you can't compare yourself to other people so make the best of what you have"
Even as we sit here beginning the painful weeks and months of rehabilitation we are thankful. We know we are blessed not cursed. As we were walking around the hospital there was a Gandhi quote engraved on the wall which reminded me so much of John, below is a photo but just in case the quote is not clear it says: 
"Strength does not come from physical capacity but from an indominable will"

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