Thursday, September 20, 2012

An Addendum to the previous post

Friends, I feel it important to clarify on some things that may not have been clearly communicated or perhaps were left unsaid. John and I are indeed standing on what we believe to be a word from God, however we are not ignoring medical advice. We are having regular check-ups with his orthopedic doctor and we are following his advice. He said to wait and track John's progress and although he believes a replacement is our only option he does not think we should do it now. We have a friend who is a nutritionist advising us on dietary changes that will help strengthen his bones and we have our sister Beth giving physical therapist advice. In our belief in supernatural healing we are in no way rejecting medical science and the many wonders God has worked through it. John also has pain medication which he takes if needed. Most days he does not need it. In addition those who know John will know he will rarely admit he is in pain; fortunately God has blessed me with eyes to see through that!

In the case of the transplant, we believe God told us that He was going to use it to heal John. Even though many doctors advised against the transplant at first, all have now admitted that it was the best decision for John! He is healed from his immune deficiency.

When John was very sick before our wedding the doctors told us to cancel the wedding, that there was no chance John would be well enough, however we knew God had told us when and where to get married.  Because of His word we did not cancel the wedding and many of you were there to witness the miracle of John not only walking down that aisle but dancing away into the evening!

We believe miracle number 3 is around the corner...

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