Tuesday, December 4, 2012


These past 6 months have changed my life, opened my eyes and stirred in my heart a passion And for what?  Nutrition.  It all began during the summer. It was a frustrating time with Johns hip doctor telling us there was no way to reverse the damage done to his hips.  In my mind I thought that can't be right, the body heals itself all the time, why not this way? We were left with the option to just wait. I spoke with my friend Laura Messina ( http://www.cnutrition.info/) I knew  she was a nutritionist and in my mind I figured what's the harm. She began to talk to me about supplements ad vitamins that would help Johns hips and also his growing immune system. At first  was skeptical. John had been having major problems with his throat, he had a stricture that meant he could not swallow well and his throat was very sore. Laura gave us some aloe juice and said take that a few times a day; within 24 hours he felt relief! Suddenly the skeptic in me shut up and I thought "wow what other hidden gems lie in natural healing!".  It has catapulted from that moment on.  I began to ask Laura questions, my mind began to race with information and my heart began to stir a passion to know more. I gleaned wisdom from my wonderful friend Jen Flickinger (http://www.mycuppyrunnethover.blogspot.com) she  is such a wise women, we text everyday what we learn. I began to read, watch and study food, what we should eat, what we shouldn't.  So I sit here today, sipping my raw milk and looking back on how different our lives look from 6 months ago. We are eating better, choosing organic and whole foods instead of food with a list of ingredients a mile long. We are choosing to be informed about our food. We are choosing to actively avoid ingredients with words we don't understand. And the amazing thing is we get better food and we are saving money!  My whole life I thought I ate well, I would read labels and think "well I don't know what that is but it's ok because if it was bad they wouldn't be able to sell it ". What a lie! Truth is our supermarket shelves are lined with tasty poison! Those words may sound dramatic but it's true. Finally this journey is bringing me closer to Jesus. Seeing how he has provided all we need on this earth, food for eating and plants and herbs for healing. This journey has just begun but I am excited about where I will go...You are what you eat. 

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