Thursday, September 22, 2011


Transparency. Openness. Honesty.

Our hearts yearn to live a life defined by these attributes, and yet one thing holds us back. Fear. Fear of judgment--not only from others but from ourselves. Fear of a lack of provision--what if we can’t pay our bills? Fear of the future--what if John gets sick again? And yet the very brokenness that should lead us to God and to our friends is the one thing that leads us away.

Away from expressing our need and into self-sufficiency.

As we prayed last night, going over our budget for the coming year, we knew we were in need and yet every part of us resisted admitting it.
A wave of realization hit us.
We needed to confess. We needed to repent.

So often this year we have been led by fear in our finances. We stockpiled food, buying more than
we needed because we were so afraid we might not have the means to get more. John
spent much of this year too sick to drive, so every time I could get a ride I spent as though another
ride would never come along.
We should have expressed our need. We should have humbled ourselves to ask for help.
We should have trusted God more. He has surely proved faithful to us.

And so we write today to repent openly, confess and ask for your forgiveness. Those of you who
give to us, we ask you to forgive us for not making Godly decisions in our finances. God is changing our
hearts, leading us to a deeper place of trust in Him. Thank you so much for your commitment to us, you
are truly invaluable and we love you.

We also write to swallow our pride and say we need help. Our projected expenditure for the coming
year leaves us with a deficit of $400 a month. This year we have relied heavily upon one-time donations,
which have been a great blessing.
We ask that you would pray about joining our team, if you are not already part of it.
Giving is easy. It can be done by check or online at; there is an option to set up
a monthly direct debit transfer, so it can happen automatically.  We also have a Paypal account, if that is easier for you.
If you are in the UK please contact Amanda at

Thank you for taking time to read this.

Our promise to you is that we will be more open from now on, about our needs, and about our hearts.
In return we ask you to do the same. As the body of Christ we need each other.  In our shared
brokenness can be found true joy in the Lord.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Much love,
John and Amanda Caton

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