Monday, January 7, 2013

Amanda's Story

It feels rather strange to be writing a blog entry about my (Amanda's) health. I first noticed a problem back in June 2012 but told few people because I didn't want a fuss, plus i wanted to concentrate on taking care of John. After all he is the sick one right? Well unfortunately sickness hits us all at some point.
So here is my story and I humbly ask for prayer.

Back in June 2012 I missed a cycle and assumed, as you do as a married woman, that I was pregnant. A little scared but at peace I visited the doctor. The test was negative. So why did I not get my normal cycle? (Sorry if you are guy reading this!). In their tests they proactively also tested some other hormone levels including thyroid and one called Prolactin. Thyroid normal, Prolactin elevated. To put this into perspective, that should not be elevated unless I am in late stage pregnancy or breast feeding of which I am neither.

They waited and no cycle so 3 weeks later they tested me again, prolactin higher.
They booked me for an MRI because they thought I may have a tumor on my pituitary gland (gland shown to right)

It showed quite a sizable "cystic lesion". Back in June I suffered a very bad headache, worse than ever before and one that came on and left very quickly. I have suffered with migraines for years but this was different. It was so bad I was nauseous. Doctors think this could have been a small bleed that caused this cyst. They gave me medication and offered me surgery. At the time I lacked complete health insurance due to my immigration status (it used to be that if you had a green card less than 5 years you were not eligible for health insurance, and my status as a volunteer meant I was not eligible to buy it either; a rule that was recently overturned granting me full insurance).
Anyway I took the medication.

I went back to see my surgeon and endocrinologist before Christmas and the cyst remains, although slightly smaller. Today I called and ask them to book my surgery, the insurance has approved a 1 night hospital stay but the hospital is appealing for 3 days. So tomorrow the neurosurgery team will call and schedule me in.

I apologize for not sharing this sooner; for a long time I just wanted to not think about it but I value your prayers too much to withhold my need from you any longer.

This is a bump in the road for our family and believe once this is over I will be walking in full health again.

Thank you :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Watch this Space!

It brings me great joy (and a little fear!) to announce that I (Amanda) am beginning the process of writing a book about the stem cell transplant experience. It has been on my heart for a few years now and more recently God has begun to speak to me that now is the time. Why do I want to write it? I want other young couples who walk through chronic illness to know they are not alone and I hope what we have been through can encourage and strengthen others who find themselves on the same journey. On a personal note I believe it will be incredibly cathartic to put into more words what happened. Please pray for me and advise me if you can! O and watch this space... :)